In loving memory of Duke, a loyal Schnauzer of seventeen years, whose zest for life and enduring companionship graced the lives of those around him. Playful in spirit and a lover of leisurely naps, Duke shared an exceptional bond with his owner, a bond marked by mutual adoration and the quiet comfort of presence.
Beyond being a devoted companion to his human, Duke's heart befriended Zeus, a cat with whom he formed an astonishing and endearing friendship. Together, their testament to the power of friendship and the joy it can bring into our lives. As we bid farewell to Duke, whose years were rich in experiences and tender moments, we acknowledge the void his departure leaves behind. It's a space filled with echoes of barks and purring, a testament to a life that was as much about companionship as it was about the simple pleasures of existence.
As we remember Duke, we celebrate his legacy of happiness, the simple pleasures, and the love he provided. Every tail wag will be cherished as a fond recollection of a life well-lived. Duke's spirit will forever remind us that love transcends all, resting now, in eternal serenity.
Duke Moss Richardson